Monday, February 24, 2020

Gender and Sexuality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gender and Sexuality - Research Paper Example Biological, psychological, social, ethical, legal, cultural, religious, and spiritual factors influence sexuality. Combination of sexuality and gender makes a huge difference in people’s life. These differences determine wellness or ill-being of a person. In addition, the disparities of people’s life stretch between life and death (Rahman and Jackison 52). Gender refers roles and behavior that a particular group of people prefers suitable for women and men. These differences can lead to inequalities between men and women in both health status and access to health care. Women have been on the receiving end for a long time and they continue to fight for their recognition. Patriarchy dominates many societies placing women in a lower class than their men. Some traditions dictate that women should be chaste and pure. A violation of this ideology can lead to restriction in women’s economic and political participations. Other ideologies invites for female genital mutila tion and honor killings incase women goes contrary with such societal beliefs. These ideologies seek to ensure that man and woman stay in line with gender stenotypes (Rahman and Jackison 55). This paper addresses gender difference in sexuality. The paper endeavors to look gender differences in sexuality. According to an article entitled gender differences in sexuality, published in Psychological Bulletein journal, there is a difference in the subject of sex between men and women. In this research, Oliver surveys the incidences of gender differences among males and females. The report was looking at sexual attitudes using 21 different variables (Oliver and Hyde 29). Some of the factors that the article sought to understand were masturbation, casual sex, homosexuality, and sexual satisfaction between men and women. Oliver reveals that, the largest and common incidence among men was masturbation. The articles portray men to have biggest numbers of masturbation incidences as compared to the males. In addition, this article on this journal points out that there is a greater gender disparity in the feelings towards casual sex. Oliver et al depict that men are very lenient and engage in casual sex more often than women do. On matters of homosexuality and sexual satisfaction, the article reveals that there is no evidence or noticeable difference on these issues in both men and women. Each gender expressed a fulfillment in the matters of sexual satisfaction (Oliver and Hyde 46). This article explains the noticed sexual differences between men and women bear their explanation in neo-analytic theory. According to the authors, the observed genders difference in matters of sexuality emanate from early mother child interactions. The article alludes that mothers are the primary caretakers and develop a strong relationship with their children. This implies that young girls and boys have a close-knit relationship between their mothers. The article points out that boys and girl s internalize such a tight connection with their mothers, which determines the gender roles when they grow up. The article suggests that difference in motivation to casual sex and masturbation are attributable to maturity. Women display a difference in sexual desire when they mature. This sis because women needs are for relational commitments and are not completely fulfilled even through marriage and cohesive friendship. The findings of the report of the low

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Case study - Essay Example Additionally, these effects led to the eruption of series efforts channeled towards ensuring that there was no future attacks in both countries (International Cases of Terrorism, pg. 362). On the other hand, the impacts of terrorism on these two regions also exhibited a number of variations. To begin with, Fifty eight tourists (Australians) lost their lives in Egypt in 1997 while in Bali, a total of 200 persons comprising people from different religious backgrounds died after the terror attack. Consequently, the rate of tourism reduced in Egypt rapidly but later rose up to 20% due the measures taken by the government to eliminate the possibility of future attacks (International Cases of Terrorism, pg.362). In Bali, the tourism reduced rapidly and has not risen since these attacks occurred, however, efforts are undertaken to assure tourists and the populace of their safety International (Cases of Terrorism, pg.363). The major strategy is to create awareness among the public and the tourists of terror attacks and encourage the spirit of cautiousness and personal initiative in reduction of terrorism. There should also be improved and strict surveillance measures undertaken at public places through the use of scanners, bomb detectors as well as thorough frisking of visitors and the locals entering public places. It is also pertinent to involve the media and ensure that terror attacks are properly covered and people made aware of their existence in order to ensure that such places are avoided. Leaders can also implement initiatives where the public are assured of their safety and encouraged to co-exist harmoniously through peace campaigns. Implementation of strict terror surveillance measures for instance: Use of proper technologies such as scanners, metal detectors and cameras to control terrorism. There is also the use of